Monday, June 30, 2008

Billy Bob The Blob

spot hunting.

aaron is good, frontside flip, no-problemo. the next spot where knucky had a manouvere planned

but three tries in this dude comes out and tells us to leave..

knucky started to get smart to him calling him a fat prick which enraged the man. "why don't you come here and say that!" knucky-"nah, you'll eat me you fat prick"

so he tried to chase him

then wrote down our number plates to try and scare us. ha!
a hungry looking brute.
this prety much sums up the situation.

he lifted up amiels windscreen wiper

a few good citizens tried to join in and help the poor fat man out

aaron with a big ol' bollie. other gnarly tricks went down but youll have to wait for the next video, suckas!

we pretty much live at pak n save

brent dipped his hand in the chocolate raisans and it came out all brown and gross.

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