Monday, June 30, 2008

Billy Bob The Blob

spot hunting.

aaron is good, frontside flip, no-problemo. the next spot where knucky had a manouvere planned

but three tries in this dude comes out and tells us to leave..

knucky started to get smart to him calling him a fat prick which enraged the man. "why don't you come here and say that!" knucky-"nah, you'll eat me you fat prick"

so he tried to chase him

then wrote down our number plates to try and scare us. ha!
a hungry looking brute.
this prety much sums up the situation.

he lifted up amiels windscreen wiper

a few good citizens tried to join in and help the poor fat man out

aaron with a big ol' bollie. other gnarly tricks went down but youll have to wait for the next video, suckas!

we pretty much live at pak n save

brent dipped his hand in the chocolate raisans and it came out all brown and gross.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

One Fine Rainy Day

skipper doing roll-on grinds!


an indy twice as high as the drop itself! knuckys got mad hops

wino grind!

chad kickflipping into driveway-bombwe found this gnarley miniature house

and it had womble wallpaper!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Circus Was In Town

So Aaron, amiel, knucky and brent and I went to check it out:

brent got in for free because we all confused the dude on the door with our hypnotic words

little asian acrobats dangled from ribbons by their necks and spun around, it was pretty amazing.
darth vader on a horse entering the ring.
this witch was hilarious!

some astonishing balancing skills!

two guys on motorbikes rode around in this sphere narrowly missing an asian girls standing in the middle. gnarl.